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Monday, July 19, 2010

Water Crisis Threatens Worldwide Economic & Social Development

Water for Humans works closely with local NGOs, community leaders, and government officials in a collaborative manner to help ensure the success of sustainable clean water solutions. As this recently issued U.N. Report on water and sustainability points out, using innovative technologies and forging effective partnerships with government entities are critical steps that need to be taken to begin solving the worldwide water crisis.

U.N-Water and the United Nations Secretary-General’s Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation (UNSGAB)

Key Messages (from U.N. Report)

  • Water-wise, the world is in a state of crisis!

  • A growing population, increasing water pollution and changing consumption patterns, in particular related to food, provide the basis for the concern that water scarcity and diminishing water quality will become a main constraint on economic and social development and environmental sustainability.

  • Since water is essential for all social, environmental and economic activities, water is a resource that demands a sustainable development lens.

  • The global water crisis will not be solved unless we find joint solutions and work collaboratively with planners, policy makers, and users.

  • Linking water-related issues to decisions made outside the water domain is critical.

  • Decision-making in all sectors has a significant impact on water resources issues.

Possible Solutions (from U.N. Report)

  • Provide incentives for efficient water-use decisions and educate consumers and producers about the linkages between water and goods and services.

  • Support the development and use of technologies and management approaches aimed at conserving water in production processes within water-scarce regions.

  • Ensure that there is agreement on priorities and equity in distributing the limited amount of water resources available.

We encourage your comments on this report and the issue of how water scarcity and poor water sanitation affects so many aspects of our lives. Thank you for visiting!

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